Our Fraternity has Spoken.

Such an inspiring story well written. Am I surprised? No, a Thomian wouldn’t have done any less. Re: Graham “Massa” article

- Nalin Jayasuriya

Re: Jeremy Hillman’s article on the Kondaya, Good one, mate! This was enjoyable to read. You've created the right tension and release in the telling style!

- Arun D B

I am very glad that you are doing a project to recognize our teachers.

- Manilka Wijesooriya

“Glorious 60s article, good read, remember names of these superb cricketers as a school boy”

— Ravin (Toronto) 

“Excellent work guys. Well done”

Ananda A

“Nice to see these photos…..one day an ashes match between Sydney and London OBA.”

Michael A

“Great memories in our humble beginnings… we had no funds in our account when we started…amazing Thomian spirit and ingenuity pulled us thru and we are fortunate the OBA has grown since those days. Best of Luck”

Graham M

“I read the Humble Beginnings story… very nostalgic, we have come a long way. The committee is putting a lot of effort and it is certainly appreciated. Best regards”

— Damika W


‘Together with a team of faithful “perpetuas”, is transforming the website of the STC OBA NSW & ACT to one worthy of our emancipated age.’

David S

“This is only a beginning. A better beginning I have not seen. The challenge now is sustainability to nurture and evolve historically – using the www platform as a tool”

Milroy B

In response to the ‘Our humble beginnings’ article…”it was a team effort to kick it off with many obstacles we had to cross at the time… great to see the true spirit of STC never dies and credit to the young generation that is still holding it together”

Prabha V